Christ Chapel
a visible expression of the body of Christ


If we walk in the Light
as He Himself is in the Light,
we have fellowship with one another...
1 John 1:7a
Community begins with real relationships. We believe real relationships begin with Jesus Christ.
Have you met Jesus personally?
Are you attracted to Him, but not sure about the Church?
Do you long for deeper relationships with people, but are not certain they can exist in the world in which we live?
Come visit with us. We are committed to pursuing community through worship, nurture, and mission. We desire to develop relationships that are deep and long-lasting. We are family!
Our Mission
The mission of Christ Chapel is to be a visible expression of the love of Jesus in our local community and in the world at large. We are committed to a life together of worshiping God, nurturing others, and reaching out to those who don't yet know God personally. We are submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and shaped by the authority of the Bible.
We believe that understanding and applying God's Word is essential to a vital Christian life; therefore, we emphasize systematic Bible study and teaching in our meetings. Knowing what God has said and understanding why He said it provides the basis for all that we believe, and forms our fundamental values. These values are summarized by three concepts: Worship, Nurture, and Mission.
Meeting Times
Sunday School: Every Sunday from 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. (September through May)
Summer Fellowship 1/2 Hour: Every Sunday from 9:50 - 10:20 (June through August)
Corporate Worship: Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. (Also Live Streamed at: )
Christ Chapel is located on the corner of 16th and Highland in the Fort Sanders area (map).
Upcoming Events @ Christ Chapel
1538 Highland Avenue, 37916
Current Teaching Series

This winter and spring, we will be working our way through the letters of Galatians, Philippians, and Colossians. We begin with the letter to the Galatians where we are encouraged to "Keep Standing Firm" in our corporate life together as the body of Christ and how we, as a body of believers, continue to engage in spiritual warfare and wrestle "against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
As always, our study is intended to enable us to grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and live lives that are pleasing in His sight. Come join us as we grow and encourage one another in holiness and truth!