Christ Chapel
a visible expression of the body of Christ
Home Fellowships
At Christ Chapel, home fellowships are a fruitful part of body life, encouraging personal spiritual growth as well as growth of the whole church. They provide an opportunity for stronger community and connectedness in an age of increasing isolation and the fragmentation of families. We regard home fellowships as the primary means of providing nurture and support for the people who worship with us. We strongly encourage everyone who considers Christ Chapel to be their church home to participate in a home fellowship. All of the home fellowships listed below are always open to new members. Contact the church office to verify the day of the week and the meeting times.
Current Home Fellowships​
Wednesdays: 7:00 pm – Stoller Home Fellowship (Hardin Valley at the Stoller's home)
7:00 pm – East Knox Home Fellowship (Meets two Wednesdays a month at the Brown's home. Please see Paul or Jessica for schedule.)
Note: If you feel led by God to host, lead or attend a home fellowship, please contact the pastor at the church office. We would love to talk with you about your participation in this vital ministry.